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Build a business that attracts your ideal clients, while working in your zone of genius.

You were born to be an entrepreneur.

You're on a soul-driven mission to serve your dream clients using your gifts and expertise.

Every successful business starts with building a strong foundation

-An offer people want to buy

-A strategy to attract ideal leads

-A process for turning leads into clients

Together, we'll combine simple strategy with insights from your Human Design and Gene Key charts, to build the business you've been fantasizing about.

It's time to start experiencing the freedom and fulfillment that inspired you to become an entrepreneur.

Let's Get Started!

Let me know...

Which one of these sounds like you?

    The New(ish) Solopreneur

    You're ready to start!

  • You're ready to put yourself out there but you find yourself procrastinating. 

  • You want to start charging for your services, but you don't have your offer ironed out, yet.

  • You know you're great at what you do but you're not 100% confident putting yourself out there as an expert.

  • You want to create compelling content that will give your business a strong start, you're just not quite sure what to say and where to start.

Let's Talk!

    The Striving  Solopreneuer

    You're gaining momentum

  • You've been in business for a while and you've signed clients here and there, but your ready for more consistency.

  • You want to create content that's on par with all of the industry leaders you look up to. You can't wait to listen to their podcast or read their posts. You want your audience to feel the same way about your content.

  • You're ready to voice your truest, boldest message, even if it means ruffling some feathers and you want some support while you do it.

  • You want a consistent strategy that keeps you in your lane. No more getting distracted by what other experts are doing or constantly signing up for courses or trainings.

Let's Talk!

    The Seasoned Entrepreneur

    You want to up-level/refine

  • You have clients and business is going pretty well, but you find yourself daydreaming about working with a different type of client (potentially in a different niche than you currently serve).

  • You have an offer that sells but you want to revamp it so that it's more juicy and exciting to deliver.

  • You want your content to call in the soul-aligned clients you fantasize about working with.

  • You are ready to refine your business so that you are working with your ideal clients in your zone of genius.

Let's Talk!

I know firsthand what it feels like to have a burning desire to be an impactful entrepreneur, while at same time, feeling unclear about HOW to create that impact.

The first business I launched was health-coaching for people with autoimmune disease.

I joined networking groups, started a YouTube channel and was a guest on several podcasts. I was doing all the "right things" but something in my business felt off. Deep down I knew I wanted to help coaches build their business, but my brain wouldn't let me go there (imposter syndrome).

When I decided it was time pivot my niche, I spun my wheels for weeks.

I didn't know:

   -Who I was going to help (ideal client)

   -How I was going to help them (offer)

  -What result I was going to help them achieve (the reason they'd pay me)

So, I spent days studying my Human Design and Gene Key Charts, meditating and sipping tea on my front porch. I eventually felt clear enough to take action.

I launched a 6-week group coaching program on How to use your Intuition to Make Decisions (vague, I know!). I had a great turn-out for my 3 day challenge, but only 2 people signed up for my offer. 

I knew I needed to get more specific, but the answer wasn't coming to me. 

To make a long story short, I surrendered.

I wrote a note to the universe...

Shortly after I wrote this letter the answer came to me.

Human Design and the Gene Keys!

I had been studying these systems to get clear on my own strengths, purpose and keys to prosperity.

Little did I know, I was meant to be using these tools to help entrepreneurs build their businesses.

I was at a crossroad in my business when I started working with Whitney. I was unhappy and planning to give it up. Through our coaching together and learning about my Human Design I realised why I felt so unhappy and lost. I was trying to run my business how I thought I “should” but that was out of alignment with who I am and what makes me happy. Consequently, there was not joy in it anymore – only heaviness and dread.

Understanding my Human Design gave me permission to follow my gut in my business, and a knowing that following intuition and responding from my gut is my strategy for success. I now have my enthusiasm and spark back for my business, and I’m just feeling happier overall. I’ve realised that my business needs to be an authentic reflection of who I am, that I can show up every day as who I am, and don’t have to try to be someone else.

Vanessa W.

Life Coach

Your Human Design and the Gene Key blueprints (based on your date, time & place of birth) provide you with a unique Client Attraction Code.

Whether you are new to business or a seasoned entrepreneur, using your unique code in your business will help you consistently attract your soul-aligned clients, while working in your zone of genius.

Here's HOW...





    Your Human Design Blueprint helps you:

  • Identify your Ideal Client & Craft your Offer

  • Own your unique gifts (the reason you are the best person to help your clients)

  • Make the best decisions for yourself and your business (and avoid getting caught up in what other industry experts are doing) 



    Your Gene Keys Profile helps you:

  • Get to know your zone of genius and how you help your clients get results

  • Uncover your keys to prosperity and what trips you up along the way to making money in your business

  • Discover marketing themes that are unique to YOU (what your ideal clients need to hear right now in order to buy from you specifically)

  • When you combine what your learn from your Human Design and Gene Key charts with simple business strategy, you create the edge that makes you stand out in the coaching industry.


  • Heading


If you're like most people who land on this page:

+ You know you were born to help others

+ You're 100% committed to creating an impactful business

+ You have complete faith in your ability to manifest the business of your dreams

+ You are a proactive, dedicated, heart-lead person who knows you deserve the best

That's why I can't wait to introduce you to.....



A 12-week, 1:1, coaching program designed to help you build a strong business foundation and start calling in your ideal clients.

The Client Attraction Accelerator combines Simple Strategy with Insights from your Human Design and Gene Key Chart's to help you:

Sell your offer with conviction, so that your potetnial clients feel confident buying from you.

Over the course of 12 weeks you will:

+ Get clear on the PROBLEM you solve (one that people will pay you for)

+ Identify your Zone of Genius and your process for getting RESULTS

+ Create a clear and compelling OFFER that your IDEAL CLIENT want to buy

+ Craft your marketing message/content so that you start calling in your soul-mate clients

+ Streamline your simple marketing + sales process (organic + funnel)

***This program is designed for Coaches and Online Service Providers (life coach, health coach, business coach, consultant, spiritual practitioner etc.)

"l have a new level of clarity and purpose and a new sense of confidence and focus. In a world where I, as a fellow business owner, often find myself juggling multiple roles and navigating the complexities of growth, Whitney's guidance has been a beacon of light. Whitney was able to provide a customized route for me, one that resonates perfectly with my own energy".

Carly P.

Spiritual Coach

    Here's how we'll get everything done in just 12 weeks:

    PHASE 1: sessions 1-3

    Learn your Human Design

    We will explore your Human Design Chart in depth paying close attention to how each aspect of your chart relates to creating your strong business foundation.

    By the end of phase 1 you will:

  • Know your zone of genius and what sets you apart in the industry

  • Confidently own your gifts + ability to help your clients get results

  • Know how to make aligned decisions in  your business

  • PHASE 2: session 4+5

    Craft your Offer

    We'll nail down the specifics of who you help and HOW you help them get results.

    You will leave phase 2 with an irresistable offer

    PHASE 3: sessions 6+7

    Your Marketing Strategy 

    You'll decide on: your primary marketing platform + content plan

    You'll create: your freebie/lead magnet + your step-by-step process for getting clients on sales calls (your funnel)

    You will tap into your Human Design Authority to make these decisions and leave phase 3 with a simple marketing strategy that feels GOOD.

    PHASE 4: sessions 8-10 Messaging  & Content

    You'll craft your marketing message and your brand story.

    You'll determine your brand style/vibe.

    We'll look at your Gene Keys Pearl Sequence + specific aspects of your Human Design Chart to determine what your people need to here from you right now in order to buy.

    You will leave phase 4 with a clear and compelling message and lot's of content ideas.

    Phase 5: session 11 + 12

    Signing Clients

    -You'll clarify your sales process and get comfortable with selling (i.e. communicating your offer with clarity and conviction)

    -You'll solidify your process for onboarding new clients (taking payment etc.)

    By the end of phase 5 your business foundations will be rock solid and you'll be ready to sign clients (if you haven't already!).

    The Client Attraction Accelerator is a business coaching program with spiritual flare.

    As you master your marketing, you will also get to know yourself on a deep level and evolve into the next version of YOU.  

When you join the Client Attraction Accelerator you'll get...

12 x 50min sessions with Whitney on zoom

($4,997 Value)

Each week we'll meet for 60 mins on zoom. These session are where the magic happens. We'll dive deep into your design and actually do the work to nail your niche, offer, messaging, marketing and sales process. 

Fast-Track Option: 2 sessions per week for 6 weeks.

Email Support Between Sessions

($2,497) Value

Things come up as you begin to implement what we discuss on our calls. I'm here to help you when you need it. Emails get answered Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Pacific time.

Custom Resources

($1,997 Value)

Everything we discuss will be complied into a shared file so you can easily access it anytime!

Book a Free Consultation

+ You'll Get These BONUSES

  • 60 minute Gene Key Prosperity Sequence Session ($497 value) 

  •  Your Personalized Human Design Guide for Business Success ($297 value)

  • The Client Attraction Code Templates (sales page, webinar slide & more) ($997)

  • Total Value of the Client Attraction Accelerator: $17, 000.00

    Your Investment



    Book a Consult

    This is for you if:

    • You’re a coach or entrepreneur who wants to start signing soul-aligned clients

    • You are looking for expert coaching that combines insights from your Human Design and Gene Key charts with smart business strategy

    • You are interested in exploring your Human Design and Gene Key charts independently between coaching calls so that you can discover your own insights

    • You want to create a business that is a reflection of you and allows you to work in your zone of genius each day

    • You know you could do this alone but you want to collapse the timeline of your results by working with a coach

    Book a Free Call

    Hi! I'm Whitney,

    I'm a Certified Coach with over 10 years of experience in sales and business development. I've spent the last 4 years learning the ins and outs of online business from the best coaches in the industry. I'm so excited to help you build the successful business you so deeply desire.

    + I'm a ⅓ sacral Manifesting Generator in Human Design, Incarnation Cross: Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx

    + In the Gene Keys, my Life's Work is: Guidance

    + I'm a mom to 2 kids + an Akita (dog) and wife to my wonderful husband

    + In another life, I'd be a midwife (one of my greatest accomplishments is the home birth of my son)

    + I'm a health nut (and former nutritionist)

    + I love to travel, watch home reno shows, and deep dive into all things personal/spiritual development.

    + Chatting with me is like talking to a close friend (with a dose of tough love when necessary!)

    Come chat with me!



    You are still able to gain a lot of insight into your Client Attraction Code based on the consistencies that show up within the 24-hour period of your date of birth. I have a method for bringing together all of the information that applies to you, even without your exact birth time. Book a consult to discuss this further.


    I believe you are a powerful, intelligent person with the ability to access all of your own answers using your intuition. This is reflected in my coaching style as I guide you to find what is truest/best/most effective for you and your business.

    Human Design and The Gene Keys give you insight into who you are and provide key components for business and marketing success, however, we always explore them with an open mind. You are always your own authority.

    My coaching style combines the masculine aspects of strategy and accountability, with the feminine aspects of intuition and flexibility. 


    We will meet on zoom for 60 minutes a week, for 12 weeks. Self-study outside of the session is recommended (~90mins/week). The self-study goes hand in hand with working on your business and can likely be done during your "work-time".


    During our consultation we will discuss a plan that works for you.                                                                      

    Book a free consult

    Whitney Coupland, Certified Life Coach