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You're a business owner on a soul-driven mission to create impact using your gifts and expertise.

Whether you are an established entrepreneur taking your business to the next level, or you are pivoting, I'll help you step into the next version of your legacy work.

Together, we'll combine simple strategy with insights from your Human Design and Gene Keys charts, to bring your ideal vision to fruition.

Let's Get Started!

If you're like most people who land on this page:

  • You have a business and you're great at what you do

  • You've invested time and resources to build a solid business foundation

  • BUT you're feeling the urge to take things to the next level-- where you are creating the income, impact, and fulfillment that you so deeply desire

  • You want to help your clients in a more profound way, so that they are creating results faster and with increased confidence  

  • You've been trying to do it on your own, but you realize there is a piece of the puzzle missing when it comes to breaking through to your next level in business.

  • You want to grow your business in a way that supports your income goals as well as your values and lifestyle

  • You have started tapping into spirituality and personal development as a way to improve your life and scale your business

Hi! I'm Whitney,

Over the last 4 years I've coached dozens of clients on their personal journeys. I started out as an Autoimmune Health Coach but after almost 3 years I felt the inner calling to pivot.

In 2023 I started incorporating Human Design into my coaching, where I help entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level... and the craziest thing happened. 

My clients started experiencing breakthroughs and seeing results at a really rapid pace. I started getting feedback like:

"I've worked with coaches before but I've never made progress so quickly". 

Here's what it comes down to:

When you get to know yourself on a deeper level your "road blocks" tend to surface. It becomes easy to pinpoint the exact things holding you back in your business, and as a result, you break through to your next level so much faster.

I'm here to support you in learning your Human Design and Gene Keys so that you can leverage them to grow your business faster while staying true to who you are and what you value.

Book a Consult

Some of the keys issues I help my clients solve include:

  • Breaking through income plateaus

  • Attracting ideal-fit clients consistently

  • Creating a growth strategy that aligns with your core values and energetic makeup 

  • Showing up authentically in your marketing 

  • Accelerating client results and up-leveling your client experience

  • Grow and run your business in a way that supports your income goals as well as your lifestyle

The most effective way to create alignment, income and impact in your business is to leverage your Human Design & Gene Keys Blueprints.

Carly, Spiritual Mentor

"l have a new level of clarity and the necessary tools to pursue my dreams and aspirations with a new sense of clarity and focus"

Your Human Design and Gene Keys blueprints are based on your date, time & place of birth. They provide you with deep insight into your life's work (career purpose) and how to carry it out in the most fulfilling, impactful and sustainable way.





    Your Human Design Blueprint helps you:

  • Identify your strengths and core differentiators

  • Navigate challenges in a way that supports your unique energetic makeup

  • Tune into your intuition to make the best decisions for yourself and your business



    Your Gene Keys Blueprint helps you:

  • Dial in your zone of genius (your 4 core strengths) so you can create the impact you desire

  • Uncover your keys to prosperity (physical, spiritual, & monetary), so that you can live a balanced life, filled with opportunity

  • Discover marketing themes that are unique to YOU, so that you can inspire your ideal clients to take action

  • You have a unique code that will help you:

    1. Clarify your next step

    2. Confidently take your biz to the next level

    3. Attract your ideal-fit clients consistently 

    All you have to do is unlock it.


Vanessa, Writer and Coach

Vanessa was working for a small company and had a life coaching business on the side. Her heart was screaming " I want to be a writer" and her intuition kept nudging her to move in that direction. After learning her design and tapping into her ultimate desire, she took a leap of faith and started an Instagram account from 0, sharing inspirational quotes and pieces of her own writing.

In just 5 months she took her account from 0 to almost 60k followers. 

She is now working in her zone of genius, doing the creative work she was born to do, and calling in her ideal people.

This is what I know to be true:

  • You're an ambitious entrepreneur here to carry out your deeper purpose

  • You are really good at what you do and your work is making a significant difference for your clients  

  • You are ready to create bigger impact through your work and make good money doing it

  • Your intuition is telling you it's time to take things to the next level

  • You are wholehearteldy committed to carrying out your legacy work in the world

It's time to bring your ideal vision to fruition in a way that supports your values, lifestyle, and unique energetic make-up.

It starts with leveraging your Human Design & Gene Keys Blueprints

I'm here to guide you as you step into your Legacy Work and take your business to the next level, using my 3-Phase Formula.

Our coaching begins with getting crystal clear on your ultimate vision for your business and diagnosing what is keeping you from your desired result.

You will get in touch with your core desires and deeper purpose. We will use your Human Design and Gene Keys charts to gain practical insight into your Legacy Work and how you can take your business to the next level with ease.

In phase 2 we will review your business on a practical level to ensure you are:
1. Working in your Zone of Genius
2. Consistently calling in the caliber of client you desire to work with
3. Growing your business in a way that supports your values and energetic make up

We'll use smart business strategy in combination with your design, to map out a clear path to bring your vision to life. We will coach through any mindset sh*t that comes up, so that you can create your next big result with ease and efficiency

I invite you to book a call to explore 1:1 coaching if:

  • You  want to step into the most fulfilling work of your life and carry out your legacy

  • You want to serve your clients to your utmost potential

  • Your intuition is nudging you to uplevel

  • You are looking for expert coaching that combines insights from your Human Design and Gene Key charts with smart business strategy

  • You know you could do this alone but you want to collapse the timeline of your results by working with a coach

Book a Free Call

Denise, Digital Marketing Agency Owner

Denise was a coach for "mompreneurs" and although she enjoyed her work she was starting to feel burnt out by her client load. She recognized a theme in here clients: they were all looking for help with growing their business online. They were struggling to balance their client work with their marketing initiatives. Denise felt the urge to fill this gap by starting a digital marketing agency. The pivot felt challenging because she was unclear about the services she would offer and her strategy for building her new business

In our sessions together Denise was able to pinpoint her ideal client, decide on her offers + pricing, and tap into the work she enjoys doing most--using her skills and expertise to help her clients grow their businesses. 



You are still able to gain a lot of insight into your design based on the consistencies that show up within the 24-hour period of your date of birth. I have a method for bringing together all of the information that applies to you, even without your exact birth time. Book a consult to discuss this further.


I believe you are a powerful, intelligent person with the ability to access all of your own answers using your intuition. This is reflected in my coaching style as I guide you to find what is truest/best/most effective for you and your business.

Human Design and The Gene Keys give you insight into who you are and provide key components for business and marketing success, however, we always explore them with an open mind. You are always your own authority.

My coaching style combines the masculine aspects of strategy and accountability, with the feminine aspects of intuition, creativity and flexibility. 

Book a Consultation

Whitney Coupland, Certified Coach

Copyright © 2024 Whitney Coupland. All rights reserved.